Last updated Sept 2019 Copyright © WRBC
We hold to the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith
1 We believe that the Scripture of the Old and New Testaments as originally given, and of these alone1 are the eternal God-breathed and infallible Word of God, without error, and wholly reliable in both fact and doctrine2 are the final authority and perpetual sufficiency in all matters of faith and practice3.
1Cor 2:12,13 2 Tim 3:15-17 Heb 1:1,2 2 Pet 1:19-21
Rom 3:1,2 1Thes 2:13
2 We believe there is only one Living and True God, and that in the Godhead there are three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit1, who are divinely co-equal in nature, power and glory, and eternally co-existent; and in the sovereignty of God in creation,2 providence3 and redemption.4
3 We believe in the total depravity of human nature in consequence of the fall,1 and the necessity for regeneration.2
1 Pet 1:23
4 We believe in the true and proper deity of our Lord Jesus Christ,1 His virgin birth;2 His real and perfect manhood;3 the authority of His teaching, and the infallibility of all His utterances;4 His work of atonement for sinners of mankind by His substitutionary sufferings and death;5 His bodily resurrection6 and His ascension into Heaven;7 and His present priestly intercession for His people at the right hand of the Father.8
5 We believe in the justification of the sinner solely by faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.1
6 We believe that the work of the Holy Spirit is essential for a true and spiritual understanding of the Scriptures:1 for regeneration,2 conversion3 and sanctification,4 and for ministry5 and worship.6
7 We believe in the Universal Church, the body of which Christ is the Head, embracing all the redeemed, called by God through the Gospel, born of the Spirit and justified by faith;1 the local church, comprising such believers as the expression of the universal Church,2 and fellowship between such churches, manifesting the unity of the body of Christ3.
8 We believe in the ordinance of baptism and the Lord's Supper as being instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ,1 but not in Baptism as conveying regenerating grace,2 nor in the Lord's Supper as being a sacrifice for sin or involving any change in the substance of the bread and wine.3
9 We believe in the personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ in glory.1
10 We believe in the resurrection of the body;1 the judgment of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ,2 with the eternal blessedness of the righteous3 and the eternal punishment of the wicked.4
11 This brief statement summarizes the doctrines that all church members believe. In the Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 these truths are amplified and other important truths set forth. The teaching of the church will reflect the theology of the 1689 Confession to which the Pastor (Minister) and all other officers are required to give assent.